CNY is coming soon! We will celebrate with you at Cityplaza! Wish everyone all the best in the year of the PIG!
CNY is coming soon! We will celebrate with you at Cityplaza! Wish everyone all the best in the year of the PIG!
疫情遲續快兩年了!是時候沖沖喜!The Sprout苗徽舞集在石門設立新校舍了!苗徽寶寶以後有一個更完善更衛生的練習環境,興奮吧!
第一級 (4-6歲)Sun @ 沙田 第二級 (5-7歲)Sat @ 沙田 第四級(7-9歲)Fri @ 馬鞍山 第五級 (8-10歲)Sun @ 沙田 其它級別亦歡迎查詢 Email: info@thesproutdance.com Mobile(可whatsapp): 91390779 / 92258355 *** […]
回顧三年前農曆新年期間,苗徽舞集首次衝出香港,遠赴南澳洲阿德萊德舉辦一連三日的舞蹈工作坊,將中國舞蹈文化帶給當地小學生,大家都非常盡興,打成一片! It was Chinese New Year in 2014, the first time that The Sprout held workshops overseas in South Australia, bring our […]