CNY is coming soon! We will celebrate with you at Cityplaza! Wish everyone all the best in the year of the PIG!
CNY is coming soon! We will celebrate with you at Cityplaza! Wish everyone all the best in the year of the PIG!
早前我們麼舍咯女孩於2015國際舞蹈日演出,得到當日其中一名攝影師Law Kwok Kin欣賞,拍下照片,更參加最LIKE舞蹈攝影比賽,在民族風情組取得冠軍!恭喜恭喜!亦感謝您為我們留住了相當美好的回憶!資料來源︰明報 Congratulations to Law Kwok Kin, one of the photographers in 2015 World Dance Day, winning a Nikon camera by […]
2016年1月24日 下午三時至四時 我地將於九龍灣Megabox同大家見面 參與商場舉辦的小學生賀年舞蹈大匯演! 歡迎前往觀賞! We will see you at Megabox Kowloon Bay at 3-4pm 24Jan2016 for the dancing show of primary […]